Online Business in 3 Parts

When talking about SEO and Online Marketing, you would expect that the conversation would be all about SEO and Online Marketing. Well; success with SEO and Online Marketing extends beyond just a good search engine ranking so there’s no way we can limit a discussion to just these elements. Below I have outlined 3 basic needs when talking about online marketing and the last one may surprise you, but it needs careful attention.


For far too long, it appears that the only goal of many SEO’s and SEO companies has been to focus on traffic; Lots and lots of traffic coming to your website, believing that this would solve the big problem for many businesses. While traffic is indeed important, it’s not the ONLY thing you need to concern yourself with when it comes to online marketing.

Traffic is important – Don’t get me wrong. No visitors means no prospects, which translates into no money in your bank account, so as you can see; Visitors are important.  The trouble is that most SEO companies stop there. They make their bread and butter by helping you get visitors and many SEO companies are good at it.

Many SEO companies help you get visitors to your website and their job is over. BIG MISTAKE. While traffic is important, there are still 2 more aspects that need to be addressed after (and before) the majority of the traffic shows up at your website.


Converting your traffic into customers is the next major hurdle. There’s no point in having a lot of traffic, if none of that traffic results in increased sales. This needs to be thought out, before the traffic starts coming.

Now the question is this; How do you convert the traffic?

There’s a lot to consider when trying to answer this question. First and foremost, you need to have a great product or service. Beyond that, your website needs to be structured in such a way that it compels people to buy or inquire and makes it easy for them to do that. Giving them useful information and resources and an easy way to get in touch with you are just two of the ways that you can increase conversions. This discussion, however can be a whole discussion on it’s own.


Now comes the hardest part of online marketing. Getting the clients and keeping them.  At some point in your online marketing process, you actually need to meet the clients and provide them with your product or service. Having a stellar online marketing plan can be completely worthless if you aren’t able to present your business in a professional manner. Your office, your appearance, your sales pitch, your offline marketing materials and most of all, your product or service all need to come into play to make your business a success.

Far too many times I have worked with potential clients who wanted to have a strong online marketing and SEO presence, but at the end of it all, their product or service offering was sub-par. If you’re going to dominate the search engine listings, you need to do the best that you can do by offering amazing products and services to your clients and customers. SEO becomes challenging when we have to fake our way to the top of the search engine listings because your product or service is not the best that it can be.

Who else can help?

For many, a little extra help is needed to take your business to the next level. Throughout my business life, I have been fortunate enough to have worked with 2 great business coaches who have helped me to really think through various aspects of my business. Jamie MacDonald of Maximum Impact and Ross Rains of Tier 1 Exec Corp have both been instrumental in helping me to put the pieces together and I highly recommend the services of professional business coaches.

Beyond that, make sure to take advice from competent professionals. Accountants, Lawyers and other professionals who are able to assist you in making your business a success. Don’t be afraid to delegate whenever you come up against something that isn’t your forte.


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